Power and Energy Industry Requirements
Water and Wastewater in the Power and Energy Industry: The coal fired, gas, and nuclear power generation industry is one of the greatest consumers of water. Water and Wastewater treatment, along with ZLD (zero liquid discharge) are very important to this industry. Salt Creek Technologies manufacturers have a solid track record in the power industry helping our clients meet their goals. We offer to our market complete industrial treatment solutions and technologies to meet high purity, recycling, and discharge guidelines for FGD wastewater and the other effluent streams of this industry.
Applications in which SCT can assist you: Water Pretreatment (Surface Water), FGD Scrubber Blowdown/Wastewater, Gypsum Dewatering, Integrated Combined Cycle Wastewater, Cooling Tower Blowdown, Condensate Polishing, and Boiler Feed Water.
Applications in which SCT can assist you: Water Pretreatment (Surface Water), FGD Scrubber Blowdown/Wastewater, Gypsum Dewatering, Integrated Combined Cycle Wastewater, Cooling Tower Blowdown, Condensate Polishing, and Boiler Feed Water.